Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
009: Bringing Cryotherapy into Your Training
Craig's a trail runner, coffee lover, and adventure seeker. Join him fortnightly on a Tuesday as he chats all things running, life & stuff!
Welcome to this episode! Today, Craig and Anna are joined by Phil, from Cryo Refresh. Along with Craig, he advocates heavily for cryotherapy. In this episode he explains why it's so beneficial to use cryo chambers to improve performance, speed recovery, but also for chronic pain.
Spoiler alert: It's nothing to do with Walt Disney!
Cryo Refresh's Website: https://www.cryorefresh.co.uk/
Cryo Refresh's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cryorefresh/
Cryo Refresh's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cryorefresh/
To get in touch with the Pod, please email: craig@runninglifestuff.com
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